Using the FlyStream driver for DirectShow support of Firewire cameras

Last Revision Date: 5/12/2014

Many customers are interested in developing applications using Microsoft’s DirectX SDK, or in using video-editing software that uses DirectShow, in conjunction with one of our cameras.

To support this, we developed the FlyStream driver that implements a DirectShow interface for Firewire cameras, and effectively replaces the standard FlyCapture driver. This driver can be downloaded from our downloads page. If you do not have an account with us, click the "apply here" link on the downloads page and complete the downloads form.

Important: when switching over to the FlyStream driver you will no longer be able to use or compile any of the standard FlyCapture programs (e.g. flycap.exe) or examples, and the FlyCapture software API only works with the standard, non-DirectShow driver.

For other interfaces, We have a DirectShow interface as part of FlyCapture 2 SDK.  This is not a seperate driver like the Firewire FlyStream driver mentioned above, it creates a DirectShow interface to the FlyCapture2 library.  Therefore, you can use your camera in DirectShow applications and with our API without having to toggle drivers.  FlyCapture2 can be downloaded from our downloads page.

General Notes

In our experience, users generally request the FlyStream driver for one or two reasons:

    1. They have an existing piece of DirectShow or DirectX-based software that they would like to use their PGR camera with; and/or
    2. They believe that the DirectShow driver will result in lower latency between the time the image is captured and the time their application receives it.

In general, we have found that reason number 2 is false; DirectShow does not improve latency issues. Our experience indicates that DirectShow may or may not buffer image data without the user knowing it, which can cause latency. However, we have had varying experience with this and it may/may not be an issue with your set up.

In most cases we strongly recommend using our standard driver for any real-time imaging applications, as it minimizes latency, facilitates custom application programming (via our API), and is easily supported by our technical staff.